I have used LimeSurvey a few times and never had an issue like this.
Limesurvey: Version 4.3.33+201228 ( I have also tried 4.3.27+201116 & 4.3.33 ) to make sure it wasn't and issue in a release.
MariaDB: 10.5
PHP: 5.7 with settings:
file_uploads = On
allow_url_fopen = On
short_open_tag = On
memory_limit = 256M
upload_max_filesize = 100M
max_execution_time = 360
I am self hosting on Ubuntu 18.04.
With this setup I have successfully done a few surveys but I have run into a weird bug.
I setup a single question group, add 1 question, and then I want to do 65 subquestions as images to create a "select your fav image" survey. I can upload 2 subquestions, save, view survey all is well. Add a third image, save, then I see a red warning banner that is empty but it disappear ( I have tried to catch it with my browsers debugging tool but cant gleam any information ). View the survey only the two first subquestions appear and the newly added subquestions are deleted besides the two original subquestions.
Has anyone run into this issue? I have found a few threads on here with similar issues but muuuuch larger subquestion groups.
Please let me know any other information that I could give.
Alright upgraded PHP to 7.2:
php7.2-fpm php7.2-common php7.2-sqlite3 php7.2-curl php7.2-intl php7.2-mbstring php7.2-xmlrpc php7.2-mysql php7.2-gd php7.2-xml php7.2-cli php7.2-imap php7.2-ldap php7.2-zip
rebooted server, checked that PHP 7.2 was active, still same problem
Alright I have re-deployed my server ground up, with php 7.2 from the get go. Attached is the .lss file for the survey and my precheck as I brought the server up.
I still have the same issue, survey saves green accepted banner with no subquestions, add two subquestions saves no issues, add 3 or more and it fails with a blank red banner and only the original 2 subquestions are there.
After reading this error message I feel like it is because I am using spaces in my naming. I am making a "Beer of the Year" vote and if I dont change the "titles" to the real names of the beers the public stats don't reflect what beer is winning for the public.
Problem is resolved *face palm* user error. I was adding spaces in my title names. I will find a different way to label all my subquestions... Maybe scrap the space and NameThingsLikeThis to avoid this issue going forward.
Thank you so much to everyone who offered up help I am very appreciative.
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I have a total of 69 subquestions, fresh install and I create sample question/group. I use this question and group to create "Beer of the Year" . First save, no subquestions and it saves as expected I can adjust settings no issues. Begin to add subquestions and BAM! red banner with the error above, and the following text:
I feel like this is getting way harder than it should be. Am I missing something obvious? I scanned the docs again and can't see where I went wrong.
Attached is my question that is having the issue.
The only thing that comes to mind is that I am editing the "title" for each subquestion so in the public stats people can actually see what beer is winning not just the "q01, q02, q03...." since that title is useless to outsiders. If this is the root cause to all of my headaches, how can I show the actual name in the stats for public view?
this seems to be really strange.
In Version 4.3.33+201228 I imported your question and used these images <figure class="image"><img src="/upload/surveys/456823/images/Hamburg-Ballett_18.jpg" style="height:150px"></figure>
and got this without problem.
Well, displayed as 12 columns (otherwise too high to show)
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