I want to compute a survey and am considering using limesurvey to do so.
There are 2 important functions I would need.
1. It is going to be a longitudinal survey in which participants have the opportunity to fill in the instruments multiple times. They can choose when and how many times they want to complete the surveys. Due to data security regulations, it won't be possible to ascribe IDs to each participant so the plan is to compute custom variables. Specifically, I would like to write a reference in the urls (e.g.
) which is specific to the respondent and would be saved to the data set. This would mean that each respondent would be ascribed an individual url which would identify datasets that belong together without the need for the participant to type an ID.
I know that in SoSciSurvey for example this can easily be done by just adding the suffix /?r= to the url and the ending one chose is saved to the dataset automatically. Is there a similar opportunity to put this into effect with limesurvey?
2. A branching logic will be applied, so that items are only shown depending on answers to previous items. But this should be possible on one page. Is limesurvey able to do so without writing code?
Is there any special/paid version I would need to put this into effect?
Thanks in advance!!