In your example there is no variable called "IncPosEstimate" which is used in equation "Bias".
Please send the revised survey.
Furthermore you should revise your equations.
You use obsolete conditions
{if(RandEU.NAOK == "true", if(ComputeIncome.NAOK/ComputeHHfactor.NAOK <= 8406, 0, if(ComputeIncome.NAOK/ComputeHHfactor.NAOK > 8406 and ComputeIncome.NAOK/ComputeHHfactor.NAOK < 10961, 10, if(ComputeIncome.NAOK/ComputeHHfactor.NAOK >= 10961 and ...
The red part is not necessary because it is the FALSE part of the first comparison. This first failed therefore IS greater than 8406.
And with numerical codes instead of "A1", "A2", ... the first equation could be done with one simple formula:
{(SDHHSize+1)* 0.5 - SDChildren*0.2}
Some first findings:
equation RandEU should be changed; as RandEUStep has a fixed value you my just say {if(RandEUStep>3,1,0)}.
equation ComputePosition: there is no value if RandEU!=true -> undefined.
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
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