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You have to change "privacy_text.twig" or "privacy_modal.twig". When extending a theme these two files are not copied. You have to copy them manually to "upload\themes\survey\extended_theme\views\subviews\privacy"What I'm tasked to do is place the checkbox for the data protection to the left of the text on the welcome page.
<label for="datasecurity_accepted" class="control-label {{ aSurveyInfo.class.privacydataseccheckboxlabel }}">{{ aSurveyInfo.datasecurity_notice_label }}</label> &nbsp;<input required class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.privacydataseccheckbox }}" type="checkbox" name="datasecurity_accepted" id="datasecurity_accepted" />
<label for="datasecurity_accepted" class="control-label {{ aSurveyInfo.class.privacydataseccheckboxlabel }}">{{ aSurveyInfo.datasecurity_notice_label }}</label> &nbsp;<input class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.privacydataseccheckbox }}" type="checkbox" name="datasecurity_accepted" id="datasecurity_accepted" />
Just add the <a href> to the message with a <br/> likeAnd I'd like to add another line of text with a link to another file (the revocation declaration?).
In "firstpage.twig" remove thisAlso, is it possible to disable the language selector on the welcome page (not the dropdown on the top right, just the box right above the welcome message).
Exactly; they are not published.Because I don't see those twigs in the frontend yet.
???to the security subfolder