Thanks guys, I can open the questions in Firefox (it worked pretty well in Chrome before, now it doesn´t). But the slider issue is there, here is the logic:
(VALIDATION: ((is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ01.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ01.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ02.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ02.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ03.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ03.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ04.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ04.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ05.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ05.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ06.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ06.NAOK)) and (is_numeric(G01Q02_SQ07.NAOK) || is_empty(G01Q02_SQ07.NAOK))) and ((is_empty(G01Q02_SQ01.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ01.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ02.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ02.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ03.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ03.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ04.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ04.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ05.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ05.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ06.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ06.NAOK <= (20)) && (is_empty(G01Q02_SQ07.NAOK) || G01Q02_SQ07.NAOK <= (20))))
if( ! is_empty('') && is_empty(20), sprintf('Each answer must be at least %s', fixnum('')), '')if(is_empty('') && ! is_empty(20), sprintf('Each answer must be at most %s', fixnum(20)), '')if( ! is_empty('') && ('') == (20), sprintf('Each answer must be %s', fixnum('')), '')if( ! is_empty('') && ! is_empty(20) && ('') != (20), sprintf('Each answer must be between %s and %s', fixnum(''), fixnum(20)), ''
question_template core
save_as_default Y
hide_tip 1
max_num_value_n 20
input_size 100
slider_layout 1
slider_default 0
slider_default_set 0
text_input_width 12
label_input_columns 12
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