Is it possible to maintain the answer options fixed on the top of an array question? The desired behavior is that the questions are scrolled bellow the fixed bar, it is useful for long lists of questions, instead of repeating the answer options each X rows.
If it works, it is surely a nice feature for those that respond via big screen (desktop, notebook). Most (if not all) LS standard themes will break matrix/array questions into separate questions on small screens / mobile anyway.
But the question is, is it easy to implement and does it work with all browsers without major hassle.
I think I remember that Tpartner had posted a solution some time ago. But where do you want to fix the scale/answer options? the top of the screen? or just scrolling the subquestions below the scale and the rest of the page stays the same?
Honestly, I would probably break the question up into two or three if there are so many subquestions in the array question.
Let's see if someone will come up with a solution.
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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Last edit: 4 years 6 months ago by holch. Reason: Added "on small screens / mobile anyway"