I do have last version (Version 3.22.210+200804) and a question have a calendar to choose a date. If I am in French, the calendar set a date like 27-08-2020. If I then immediately change survey language to German, the date field is empty and an alert says: "Could not convert date 27-08-2020 to format d.m.Y. Please check your date format settings." because German seems to need a date like 27.08.2020.
Is there a way to fix this, so LS can transform 27-08-2020 into 27.08.2020 automatically when I change survey language?
Or a way to put the same date format for all my survey' languages?
I had the same problem with Brazilian language. I solve this by accessing the Survey Properties -> General settings & texts. In Portuguese (Brazilian) tab I changed the Date Format from "dd/mm/yyyy" to "dd-mm-yyy".
I think in my case the problem was related to the date picker widget for the date field. The dates are displayed in the format "mm-dd-yyyy" (with dashes) when you select a date.