So I have a user with a survey with 2 questions that require the user to choose from a country list . the codes are G06Q12 and G06Q13 in the "yourself" group
I have tried to upload the countries in the answeroptions, but everytime I save, only a limited set is added (up to the code CT).
I've tried to define a labelset which contains these values, but when i import this labelset the same problem arises.
Does a dropdownlist have a limit on the amount of possible answers? should my user use a different questiontype?
So you may decide:
Use the official country list for nationality.
Nobody has a nationality of "Canarian islands".
Residence? If you really want to use this all, you may split the question into some.
First question: Region?
Second-... question: Countries of this region (displayed by relevance equation)
Therefore we say: 4.x. still not for production, only to test.
Use 3.22. LTS
Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
Did you try it in the other version also with the assessment mode on?
Because when you include the question code, the assessment value and the actual answer option, you have 3x as many variables to transfer as when you only transfer the answer option (without the question code and without the assessment value), this can make a huge difference when it comes to max_vars.
But if this was done the same way in 3.22 and in 4.x on the same machine with the same max_vars, then either 4.x transmits more vars (totally possible, because the database structure has changed) or it is a bug, just as you suspect.
Help us to help you!
Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
Is there any news on tis one ?
I have the same problem with 4.2.1
want to add all the postcodes of Belgium, but this is way too many, it gives a red error rectangle without any information.
I am sure you don't want to enter only the postcodes into the dropdown.
If so, you have to know the postcode to find it. In this case you can enter it into a textfield.
But in my opinion instead of entering all postcodes in a dropdown you may use a autocomplete with the postcodes in a csv-file.
Have there been any updates on how to display a large list (country names in my case) in the dropdown menu? I am having the same problem with LimeSurvey 4.2.