I'am writing because I would like to change one of default theme that there are in Limesurvey.
I read this link: (
) but I need some clarification because I don't know the programming language so I have difficulties to understand some parts.
I extended the Vanilla Theme and now I would like to change the font, the size of font, the color of font and insert an image.
I attached the photo of what file I see in the editor theme part.
1) What file have I to change in order to change the font or the size/color of font?
2) I used this suggestion (
{{ image('./files/myfile.png', 'alt-text for my file', {"class": "myclass"}) }}) in order to upload my image, I see the image buti t is very big and I want to reduce the size.
Even in this case where have I to get my hands in order to change the size of my image?
Could you give me some specific example ?
Thanks in advance to whom answer me.