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Yes, but before set this to LimeSurvey we need to remove or fix Expression Manager for usage of ',' in surveyKompetenzZ wrote: Thank you very much for all the help. Yes, firefox on smartphone works perfectly, I just had to realize that mobile browsers show a special keyboard and no increase/decrease buttons.
The link you provided is very useful.
If someone else ever needs this: After the part:Code:<input type="number"
in the twig files some settings can be added, especially a minimum and maximum can be set, so that the spinners cannot operate to undesired number ranges. Also a placeholder "0" at the begin can be displayed:
value="{% if (integeronly == 1 and fValue != "") %}{{ intval(fValue) }}{% else %}{{ fValue }}{% endif %}"
{% if integeronly == 1 %} step=1 {% else %} step="any"{% endif %}
value="{{ fValue }}"
value="{% if (integeronly == 1 and fValue != "") %}{{ intval(fValue) }}{% else %}{{ fValue }}{% endif %}"
{% if integeronly %} step=1 {% endif %}
{% if integeronly == 1 %} step=1 {% else %} step="any"{% endif %}
{# /** * Multiple short texts question, item input text Html * @var $tip * @var $alert * @var $maxlength * @var $tiwidth * @var $extraclass * @var $sDisplayStyle * @var $prefix * @var $myfname * @var $labelText * @var $sufix * @var $kpclass * @var $rows * @var $checkconditionFunction * @var $dispVal * @var $suffix */ #} <!-- answer_row --> <li id='javatbd{{ myfname }}' class="question-item answer-item numeric-item text-item form-group{{ extraclass }}{% if alert %} ls-error-mandatory has-error {% endif %}" {{ sDisplayStyle }}> <!-- color code missing mandatory questions red --> <label class="control-label col-xs-12 col-sm-{{ sLabelWidth }}{% if sLabelWidth == 0 %} hidden{% endif %}" for="answer{{myfname}}"> {{ labelText }} </label> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-{{ sInputContainerWidth }}"> {% if prefix or suffix %} <div class="ls-input-group"> {% endif %} {% if prefix %} <div class="ls-input-group-extra prefix-text prefix"> {{ prefix }} </div> {% endif %} <input type="number" min="0" max="10000" placeholder="0" value="{% if (integeronly == 1 and fValue != "") %}{{ intval(fValue) }}{% else %}{{ fValue }}{% endif %}" name="{{ myfname }}" id="answer{{ myfname }}" class="form-control" title="{{ gT('Only numbers may be entered in this field.') }}" {% if size %} size={{ inputsize }} {% endif %} {% if maxlength %} maxlength={{ maxlength }} {% endif %} {% if integeronly == 1 %} step=1 {% else %} step="any"{% endif %} /> {% if suffix %} <div class="ls-input-group-extra suffix-text suffix"> {{ suffix }} </div> {% endif %} {% if prefix or suffix %} </div> {% endif %} </div> </li> <!-- end of answer_row -->