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Date/time format problem

  • terryaulenbach
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5 years 10 months ago #172323 by terryaulenbach
Date/time format problem was created by terryaulenbach
using Limesurvey v2.56.1..

I'm trying to format a date question to display like August 13, 2018. I can get it to display this way in the survey itself (mmmm dd, yyyy) but nothing submits to the database. Of course, if I use the format mm/dd/yyyy everything works fine, but I honestly hate that format as you never know if it's month or day first. People use it differently and it's too easy to confuse. Any ideas?

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5 years 10 months ago #172345 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Date/time format problem

terryaulenbach wrote: I can get it to display this way in the survey itself (mmmm dd, yyyy) but nothing submits to the database.

What should "mmmm" do? That looks not valid.

The d/dd,m/mm,yy/yyyy,H/HH,M/MM formats can be used to display the date and/or time, while "-", ".", "/", ":" can be used as separators.

There are a lot of issues around date time questions and the format mask.
You might run into a bug of LimeSurvey.

But first you should try different formats.

What happens with "m dd, yyyy"?

You might check the demo.limesurvey.com to see if you can reproduce the issue in LS 3.
Might be a option to start adopting to LS 3 since LS 2 is no longer updated.

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  • dominikvitt
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5 years 10 months ago #172360 by dominikvitt
Replied by dominikvitt on topic Date/time format problem

date/time response is saved into the database in a numeric representation only.
Both LS2 and LS3 have a same behaviour.

You can see a list of working formats in survey settings-->text elements-->Date format.
Other format combinations may or may not work.

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  • terryaulenbach
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5 years 10 months ago #172511 by terryaulenbach
Replied by terryaulenbach on topic Date/time format problem
mmmm actually displays the month like "August" in the survey when August is selected, however, it seems to break things in that it keeps the date from saving to the database.
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