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Assessment Results

  • micjman
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6 years 3 months ago #165455 by micjman
Assessment Results was created by micjman
Hello all,
The issue I am having has to do with exporting. I want to export assessment results, not just participant responses. I have all radio single choice questions, each with the right answer having a point weight, and when I export I can get the responses but not the calculations or even the assessment values assigned to the questions. For a non-programmer, is there an essay way to capture if an assessment rule was activated, or at least capture the point values associated with the question choices?

Ideally, I would like to 'pipe' part of the assessment rule message as its own column on the export file. For example, if a students score is 35 points total on a math assessment, and my rule says "30-40points = message = Result code: 2003 Congratulations you can sign up for Algebra 1. I would want to pipe the "2003" result code, or at least his or her total assessment score to the export file so I can have a record of who got what placement level.

Any help would be fantastic!
I hear I can do something like this with a hidden equation question? Not really sure how specifically to this though, again, complete novice with code.
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6 years 3 months ago #165461 by jelo
Replied by jelo on topic Assessment Results

micjman wrote: I hear I can do something like this with a hidden equation question?

You create a equation question and add all the assessment variables in the question text. That would get saved in the results then and won't be lost like with normal assessment variables.

You can create more than one equation question. So you can create a text with some assessment variables and then use them equation questioncode in other parts of the survey as well.

So just put e.g. {ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL} in a equation question and see if that works. First unhidden. Then hidden.

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6 years 3 months ago #165470 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Assessment Results
Note that the forum software is messing with the case in jelo's example, it should be all uppercase like this:

Tony Partner

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6 years 3 months ago #165472 by micjman
Replied by micjman on topic Assessment Results
Thank You Jelo,

I am new to equation questions, when I tried to add {ASSESSMENT_CURRENT_TOTAL} to the question area, as you suggested, nothing happened. I also tried to enter it in the equation area of the logic part of the equation question, but I don;t think that is right. I tried it all the ways I could write it, caps no caps, etc. and it still comes up red as "undefined variable" in the logic check and in the survey preview. Thoughts? I am using the 3.5 build. Assessments are activated and as a test I just have two prior questions each with two choices one being correct worth 1 point in assessment score box.

Sorry this is my second day with this product, I really appreciate the help.
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6 years 3 months ago #165474 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Assessment Results
You were correct in entering it in the question field. It's an open bug in 3.x - bugs.limesurvey.org/view.php?id=12950 .

Tony Partner

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