Hello, Aca,
no. LS does not support dynamic loops.
You have to create as many question groups as the maximum number of employees evaluated by one person.
After the question "How many..." the question groups are displayed by relevance.
Group 1: always (hopefully each teamleader evaluates at least one employee)
Group 2: (number>1)
Group 3: (number>2)
Group 4: (number>3)
But IMHO you can do it easier.
Each survey only evaluates one employee.
1. question: Name or ID or teamleader
2. question: name or id of employee
3.-x. question: Evaluation
And in the endurl you can redirect to the survey itself. So it is not necessary to start the survey each time.
Advantage. Instead of having the data in several blocks you have the answers to one question in exactly one column.
Best regards