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remove subquestion requirement

  • krisbick
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6 years 6 months ago #161320 by krisbick
remove subquestion requirement was created by krisbick
Hi, according the manual "Various question types require you to add a list of ... subquestions."
See: manual.limesurvey.org/Adding_answers_or_subquestions

This means that some questions won't display in the survey or preview until the survey creator either enters a subquestion (which may not be desired despite the requirement) or meets the requirement by clicking on the link and saving without adding a subquestion (to force compliance of the requirement).

This is a cumbersome process going through each question one by one to meet this requirement.

Therefore, is there a way to remove this requirement? I could not find anything in our admin panel, the manual, or this forum. Any help is appreciated.
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6 years 6 months ago #161330 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic remove subquestion requirement
Hello, Krisbick,

could you please give an example how you want to display a question (which requires subquestions) without subquestions?
Okay, you can do this with "Muliple numerical input". But then you get the same as "Numerical Input".
IMO you did not quite understand what a subquestion is.

Subquestions are used in questions of type
"Multiple", "Multiple numerical", "Ranking", "Multiple short text" and "Array".

1. Multiple:
"Which animals are in your household?"
And several subquestions (well, there was a long discussion about the naming of this about a year ago)
Each of them is answered with "Yes" or "No" (or checked/not checked)

2. Multiple numerical
"How many miles did you run last week?"

and so on.

Otherwise the respondent doesn't know what to fill in.

Short: In the database and in your results you have one column for each subquestion.

Other question types ("Single punch questions, text input, numerical input") do not require subquestions (obviously there are no)

So be sure always to select the appropriate question type.

Best regards

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6 years 6 months ago #161359 by krisbick
Replied by krisbick on topic remove subquestion requirement
Thanks for your reply.

Here's an example:

I create an Array (5 point choice) question: "How do you feel today (1 good to 5 awful)"
I get prompted to add subquestions. What is the purpose of subquestions in this case? I asked the question and just want the participants to check 1-5 below the question.

If I wanted to list days below the question, I could understand subquestions being an option. But I don't understand it being a requirement.
"How do you feel today (1 good to 5 awful) on the following days?"
Mon 1,2,3,4,5
Tue 1,2,3,4,5
Wed 1,2,3,4,5

Is there a better question type for my example question so I can bypass this requirement?
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6 years 6 months ago #161374 by holch
Replied by holch on topic remove subquestion requirement
Why do you use an array type question if you don't want an array type question would be the right question here... ;-)

Array questions need subquestions. That's it.

If your question isn't an array type (doesn't have subquestions) you just use a list type question with 5 items. If you prefer the array layout, you will need to add a subquestion, you probably can just add a space, if you don't want to write anything.

The whole problem is just the wrong use of question types.

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6 years 6 months ago #161375 by krisbick
Replied by krisbick on topic remove subquestion requirement
OK, I see what you mean, thanks for your patience in pointing me in the right direction!
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6 years 6 months ago #161408 by Joffm
Replied by Joffm on topic remove subquestion requirement
Hello, krisbick,
to explain more clearly:

could understand subquestions being an option. But I don't understand it being a requirement.
"How do you feel today (1 good to 5 awful) on the following days?"
Mon 1,2,3,4,5
Tue 1,2,3,4,5
Wed 1,2,3,4,5

Your question is: "How do you feel today?"
The way you displayed the example, you want to know the feeling of each day of the week.
So in reality you ask seven questions (for each day) and you need a column in the database for each day.
And theses are the subquestions.

Here you use a simple array as holch pointed out.

2. If you want to know how the respondent feels TODAY (only one answer),
you should calculate the current date in an equation (not necessary "timestamp" is activated) if and ask it in a simple list(options).
Then you get for each respondent the date he answered and his "feeling score".
Here no subquestions are required becaue it is really only one question with one column in the database.

Best regards

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