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multiple short free text with the option to add another line

6 years 7 months ago #161012 by NikaV
How do I add multiple short free text answer option with the option to add another line by respondent?
E.g. I'd like to ask What are you favorite cities?
The responded should be able to list as many as he/she wish, of course I will limit the number of potential answer lines, but how not to scare him/her with the long list of free text fields?

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6 years 7 months ago - 6 years 7 months ago #161014 by tpartner
Two possibilities:

1) Ask an initial question "How many favourite cities do you have?" and then base sub-question relevance on that answer.

2) Insert sub-question relevance so they are only shown if the previous is answered.

Tony Partner

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Last edit: 6 years 7 months ago by tpartner.
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6 years 7 months ago #161026 by NikaV
the respondents should not limited with one particular number, unfortunately
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6 years 7 months ago #161029 by tpartner
Then use the second solution.

Tony Partner

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