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"Add condition" "Previous questions" list seems limited to 16 questions

6 years 8 months ago #159483 by Yoza
I installed the latest release and created a survey, a group and questions.
I successfully created a conditional question, and when I tried to create a second conditional question I noticed the "Previous questions" list in the "Add condition" form, only contained the first 16 questions (subquestions counted as questions) and not the questions I created after.
Do you have an idea why ?
Thanks a lot

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6 years 8 months ago #159484 by Yoza
Sometimes just asking question helps to find a solution.
I just make the other questions appear.
Though I am not sure how.
But I noticed the question which didn't appeared was not complete, It was asking "You need to add answer options to this question " though it was a "Array (Yes/No/Uncertain)" type, and then I don't know how, this message disappeared and I could see all the questions in the "Previous questions" list.

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