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2 respondants, one survey. Best way to do this ideas and suggestions?

6 years 11 months ago - 6 years 11 months ago #157410 by garf
Hi all,

I need to develop a survey that requires 2 participants to complete it, each participant is scoring the other participant.

Neither participant should ever see the others scores, and when participant "A" completes the survey, I want the survey to notify Participant "B" to take the survey or notify both participants at different emails that a survey is ready to complete.

My first thought was to create a survey and mirror into two part and use conditions, for instance, the first question asks for User Name A, then User Name "B" and then asks who is about to take the survey. If the user selects A, I simply use a condition blocking access to the questions for B. I disallow going backwards on questions, so neither user can ever see the others questions.

That's were I get stuck. At this point, I see an equation question of sorts being introduced when a user completed their section that simply sends an invitation to the next user, A or B depending on who completed the previous section. But, I'm now aware of a mechanism that allows for that in LS.

Is an Ajax call to the API available from the survey? I wouldn't think there is due to security.. so I'm not sure how I can do this. If I write a plugin, there doesn't seem to be an event I can trigger from to make this happen.

Has anyone done something similar or know of a workaround?

Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by garf.
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6 years 11 months ago #157415 by Joffm
Hi, garf,
a few questions.
1. Are the pairs pre-defined, meaning
A <-> B
C <-> D
or is there a selection inside the survey?

2. Do both respondents have the same questions? I think so, because of your "mirroring".

If you answer both questions with "Yes", you need only one survey. The only thing is to match your pairs. I just should put the pairs into the participants table as attributes. Then you can pipe the name of the respondent and the name of the person who is to be scored.

Nevertheless a small sample survey is highly appreciated.

Best regards

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6 years 11 months ago #157416 by garf
Thanks Joffm,

1 - No, it would be a public survey allowing couples to answer questions about themselves and then each other. There is always an A and B respondent, but we never know who they are.

2 - Yes, each spouse is presented with the same questions.

Hopefully the sample attached gives you a better idea of my approach.

Thank you!
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6 years 10 months ago - 6 years 10 months ago #157418 by Joffm
Hi, garf,
thanks for clarification.

In this case I propose:
In your survey there is only one set of questions.

The first part opens the survey with the public link.
In the survey there is created a parameter (e.g. with name and random number)
After submitting by the first part the second part gets an email invitation with the link to the survey and the added parameter.

So if you check if there is a parameter you can easily decide if it is the first part or the second part.
And you can match the two parts easily by this parameter (In the first part this parameter is created, in the second you grab this same parameter.)

Best regards

Volunteers are not paid.
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Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by Joffm. Reason: Typo
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6 years 10 months ago #157419 by garf
Thanks Joffm for the insight,

I had been going down that path too, as in passing a variable in the URL and creating a linked survey, but all of this needs to happen "automatically" with an admin sending invites.

Where you propose "After submitting by the first part the second part gets an email invitation with the link to the survey and the added parameter."

This is where I'm not sure how to get the system to generate this email when one part is complete. Have you any ideas how to do that in LS?

The only option I see is perhaps writing an add-in that triggers on a surveys completion?

Thanks again,

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6 years 10 months ago - 6 years 10 months ago #157449 by Joffm
Hi, garf,

have a look at this topic:

Best regards

Volunteers are not paid.
Not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless
Last edit: 6 years 10 months ago by Joffm. Reason: Typo
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6 years 10 months ago #157450 by garf
Wow, thanks Joachim , I would never have thought you could enter an equation in the surveys settings like that. Learning something new every day!

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