I have a suvery with 35 questions that has been working fine for years. I installed a new updated version of LimeSurvey (Version 2.65.0+170502). I was able to import and activate the survey. Before I activated the survey, I created a backup of the new database via cPanel. I thought I could use this "non-activated" survey-backup and restore the database if I later found out that I needed to make some changes to the survey (since you can't delete or add questions once a survey is activated).
However that doesn't work. For some reason I get this message after activating the study:
The survey response table could not be created. Usually this is caused by having too many (sub-)questions in your survey. Please try removing questions from your survey.
That is strange because the same survey could be activated without any problems before, but now it doesn't work. How can that be? Do I need to delete some files/cache? I won't delete any questions because it worked the first time.
Thanks for helping, but importing a survey will change the ID for questions and that is what I am trying to prevent. I thought that I could take backups of the database so that I could use them if I made a mistake (an auto-backup/undo function would be nice...) Anyway, I used the first backup I created, redid the changes and I was able to activate it.