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Getting multiple questions to appear as one on Data export

8 years 4 months ago #129865 by BFG01

Limesurvey newbie here so if this is really obvious I apologise.

Currently, I’ve got a survey set up with multiple Radio Lists which are all variants of the same questions (‘What team are you commenting on?’). Which one you see depends on the answer to an earlier question. You will only see one of the questions.

That all works fine, but for ease of data management I’d like a way of collating the various answers so that it appears as one question. It actually is the same question, just split up for data quality / ease of use for the respondent. I can think of three ways it might be possible to do this.

1). Actually have one question but filter the possible answers based on the previous question. So, if G1_Q0002 = X, Q0005 A1, A2, A3…(etc) are visible options, if G1_Q0002 = Y, Q0005 A4, A5, A6 are visible options and so on. The survey isn't finished as yet but I anticipate having about 6 options, each with an exclusive subsection of the list, for Q2 so this may get a bit complicated. Plus, I'm unsure how I would implement this as the filters that don’t require coding seem to need matching answers.

2). Use an always hidden equation question which copies the answer from the previous question which acts as a ‘master’ answer and ignore the rest. I assume I could do this with a variant nested if equation as per manual.limesurvey.org/Expression_Manager..._a_previous_question but that strikes me as an unnecessarily cumbersome way of implementing this option.

3). Some more obvious / neater dynamic manipulation of the survey that escapes me.

Basically, the user is going to see one question and I want there to be only one answer column in the end data, what’s the best / neatest way of implementing this.

Thanks in advance for your help. If I’ve missed something really obvious or if you want more information please just let me know.

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