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Mandatory question in randomised group not showing all the time, after Resume

  • lemonlimebitters
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9 years 3 months ago - 9 years 3 months ago #127686 by lemonlimebitters
My mandatory question is not appearing and the survey cannot proceed! .Currently using latest version 2.06+ and replicated on Demo and I don't know what's wrong here.

I have a set of randomised groups with one mandatory question in each group. I'm using tokens so If I do the following steps:
  1. Proceed with a couple of mandatory questions
  2. click on the Previous button once
  3. Click on Resume later button and close the window
When I come back to complete the survey on the same or different browser, I may (only happens sometimes - i think it's the randomisation part) get a page with the group details but the mandatory question isn't displaying however I can't proceed because it's mandatory even though I can't see it! See screenshot below.

Here is an example of a "stuck" token that cannot proceed with the survey unless "Exit and clear survey" is clicked.
(It's "Stuck" - until someone clicks on Exit and clear survey - so please, please don't do that until this is resolved)
See Demo site + "/index.php?r=survey/index/sid/167432/token/iXeZ23hjdptgDZS/lang/en"

It seems to happen when 'newtest' is not in the URL. I'm displaying Group by Group.

I've no idea what's causing this but I'm able to replicate it on the demo as you can see. It's causing issues as I'm guessing a percentage of participants will encounter this when they Resume a survey.

Please help!!

Last edit: 9 years 3 months ago by lemonlimebitters. Reason: included version number
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