$('#question'+ qID +' td.answer input.radio').click(function(event){if($(this).parents('tr:eq(0)').attr('name')!='clickedRow'){
$(this).parents('tr:eq(0)').attr('name','clickedRow');}// The original function of the click event
checkconditions(this.value, this.name, this.type);//OMdev: Please let me know what this function is doing and where it is defined.});
I also suggest to have a link in each workaround back to forums for discussion about that workaround so that whenever someone is browsing workaround and have some query they can follow that link back to forums otherwise they create new thread. What do you say!!
That fires the checkconditions() function which is inserted when Expression manager is used. This function dynamically handles questions that are shown/hidden by relevance. (search the source code of the page to see the function)
That snippet looks a little old, maybe try something like this:
var el = $(this);
checkconditions($(el).attr('value'), $(el).attr('name'), $(el).attr('type'));
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.