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How to insert a category separator for dropdown boxes of the dual scale question

  • julienr
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9 years 3 months ago #126344 by julienr

I was wondering if there's a way to insert a category separator for the dropdown menu when you use a dual scale question type?

I'm facing this problem because I have to design a question where people have to complete the types of diplomas they have achieved (level = first dropdown menu, discipline/field of study = second dropdown menu). I know it's possible to create category separators for single dropdown menus, but as they possibly will have to complete several rows/diplomas (diplomas a, b, c, d = row 1,2,3,4...), I figured it would be the best option to let the people answer one single question than to ask it into two different questions (question 1 = level, question 2 = discipline/field of study).

Anybody would have an idea? :dry:
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