I am using LimeSurvey 1.92+ version 120530. When I trial my survey I am asked to enter an answer to a security question.
However, instead of showing the question I just get a small graphic in its place (please see attachment).
Advice found via Google search suggests changing config-defaults.php in ../application/config and/or verficationcontroller.php in ../application/controllers. I have tried both without success.
Can anyone please suggest how to overcome this problem?
First of all, you are using a very old version (over 3 years old) and Limesurvey has come a long way since then. There are no security updates for your version anymore and I would strongly recommend to update to at least 2.05 latest version or 2.06 (which seems to have a few hickups still).
With that out of the way let's dive into your actual question: I assume you are referring to the captcha feature. For the captcha to work, the images need to be created, which requires
GD-Library with FreeType support installed is needed for captchas or nice charts in statistics - see PHP GD-Library Extension documentation