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getting "webpage is not a available " screen

9 years 4 months ago #124467 by jelo

jumbo wrote: Issue is the same there. "webpage is not available" once a respondent clicks "next".

How can you reproduce that issue? Did you try to reproduce it with limeservice on a PC /Browser outside your callcenter ?
How many callcenter agents are using the limesurvey survey concurrently?
Can you tell us something about the survey in terms of amount of questions?

The meaning of the word "stable" for users
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9 years 4 months ago #124665 by vlad
Hi, Jelo. I did export/import. I exported survey form local installation and imported into limeservice.com. Issue comes up when more than two agents are logged in. There are around 60 q's some of them are rating.
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