Hi there,
I could really use your help in creating assessments using Expression Manager.
I am using Limesurvey Version 2.05+ Build 150520.
Using an example I found in the manual, I created a personality test and used the expression "if" to define which scores should result in wich texts:
"{if(ScoreExtraversion < 16,'text low extraversion',if(ScoreExtraversion < 29,'text medium extraversion', etc.."
But I found out I cannot format the text in quotes (add pictures and white lines), while I would like to make a fancy overview for the participants.
So my solution to this problem was putting the texts into new hidden questions:
1. text_low_extraversion: A fancy text with picture
2. text_medium_extraversion: A different fancy text with picture
3. etc.
and refer to this texts in my 'if'-expression:
"{if(ScoreExtraversion < 16,'{text_low_extraversion.question}',if(ScoreExtraversion < 29,'{text_medium_extraversion.question}', etc..
And although this works (yes!), besides the corresponding fancy text with picture, also the questioncode is visible, for example:
"Extraversion 20%
-scale picture-
On the scale of introvert - extrovert you score low .
It means you tend to be more focused on internal thoughts, feelings and moods rather than seeking out external stimulation."
I really hope there is a way to get rid of this code.
Another problem I am having is that some assessments do not work (text does not show), though the rules seem to be exactly the same as the rules I made for other (working) assessments.
Because my test contains a lot of questions (120) and a lot of assessments (20), it is really difficult to find out what the reason is they don't work.
If I test only the questiongroup for this assessment, it does work. When I look at the QA, there are no faults. I also checked the text was not hidden.
Does anyone have tips and tricks for me to find out why they don't work?
Maybe because they had similar problems?
Maybe because there is a limit in the number of expressions or something?
It's difficult to explain, I hope my story is clear.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Marlou Stolk
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