We've got a multiple choice question with 4 answer choices plus "other". One of the choices is an "exclusive option", so choosing it should deactivate the other answer choices. It worked fine for a while, and then during what we hoped was the final test before sending out invitations to take the survey, it got flaky:
You could check any number of answer choices, including the exclusive option, but the other checkboxes would not fade out as they were supposed to, and the visible checks would remain. If you went on to the next question and then returned to the multiple choice question (via "previous"), only the exclusive option box would be visible; unchecking it would make the other boxes reappear. At the same time as these problems occurred, the progress bar stopped working--it was completely solid, as if the survey had been completed.
On a later attempt to test the survey, everything worked fine.
The survey had been activated and de-activated a couple of times. It was active at the time of this problem.
We have back-up copies which work fine.
Any ideas as to what's going on? We don't want to send out an unreliable survey. Should we use a back-up copy?
No, we didn't add or modify. I should mention that the template is "bluengrey"--a visual favorite, but it does seem to be more artifact-prone than the others. Meanwhile, the problem has not recurred with the copy.