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Rank Array Totals & Provide Description by Top Ranked

  • tpartner
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9 years 1 month ago - 9 years 1 month ago #120272 by tpartner

But I still want to know how to rank the results of the 4 arrays & deliver a different text output depending on the highest storing section.

- 4 Arrays with question codes q1, q2, q3 and q4
- You do not expect any of the array assessment totals to equal another array assessment total

This will give you the "total assessment value" for an array, question code q1:

So, then you could create a new "Equation" type question (let's call it "maxVal") with the following equation. This will give the highest "total assessment value".
{max(sum(that.q1.value), sum(that.q2.value), sum(that.q3.value), sum(that.q4.value))}

Then you can use nested IFs to display variable text depending on which array matches the highest "total assessment value" (line-breaks inserted for clarity):
{if(q1 == maxVal, 'Text if q1 highest', 
  if(q2 == maxVal, 'Text if q2 highest', 
    if(q3 == maxVal, 'Text if q3 highest', 
      if(q4 == maxVal, 'Text if q4 highest', 

Tony Partner

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Last edit: 9 years 1 month ago by tpartner.
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  • ccapra
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9 years 1 month ago #120354 by ccapra
Thanks! That all works beautifully!

So now, if there are two max scores, is there a way to give text for both? Like 'you are equally suited to Q1 and Q4' then 'text if q1' and 'text if q2'?
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  • tpartner
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9 years 1 month ago #120359 by tpartner
Well, there may be a more elegant way but you could simply extend the nested IFs:
{if(q1 == maxVal, 'Text if q1 highest', 
  if(q2 == maxVal, 'Text if q2 highest', 
    if(q3 == maxVal, 'Text if q3 highest', 
      if(q4 == maxVal, 'Text if q4 highest', 
        if(q1 == maxVal AND q2 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q1 and Q2', 
          if(q1 == maxVal AND q3 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q1 and Q3', 
            if(q1 == maxVal AND q4 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q1 and Q4', 
              if(q2 == maxVal AND q3 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q2 and Q3', 
                if(q2 == maxVal AND q4 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q2 and Q4', 
                  if(q3 == maxVal AND q4 == maxVal, 'You are equally suited to Q3 and Q4', 

Or, perhaps several of those nested statements?


Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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