I saw what is happening: when you upload via the template editor, this template editor expect all files to be directly available in the zip. Due to our process of development, all files are placed in a directory with the template name (and release number) which is placed in the zip.
I'm sorry, but at the moment the easiest way of working with the template seems to be placing the unzipped files on your sever via FTP.
You can also do the following:
unpack the ZIP-file and place the contents of the directory that results from the zipping in a new ZIP and upload that zip to your server.
For example:
1. you download the latest release: this downloaded a ZIP file called: tfr_responsive-1.2.1
2. unzip this file; the result is a directory called tfr_responsive-1.2.1
3. In that directory: zip all files and directories (starting with maps css, fonts, images, js and after that files) into a new ZIP called tfr_responsive.zip
4. Using the template editor, upload the zip file tfr_responsive.zip
Somehow, the error message is still there (in my case), but the template is also there and it works.
We will investigate a solution for the releases.
Tammo ter Hark at Respondage
For Limesurvey reporting, education and customized themes