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Array filter between Scale 1 and Scale 2 in Dual Matrix

  • Ryuniri_44052
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9 years 11 months ago #117507 by Ryuniri_44052
Dear all!

I am searching for a possibility to set an array filter in a dual matrix, that deactivates answer options (or the whole second scale) in scale 2, if a participant chooses a special answer option in scale 1.

EXAMPLE: As long as the participants select answer option 1 or 2 in scale 1 they might be interessted to answer the question in scale 2 as well for that row. But if the choose answer option (column) 3 in scale 1 the answer in scale 2 is more or less self explanatory. So, I would love to deactivate scale 2 depending on the answers in scale one - row by row.

Would be very useful, but I think it's not impossible - is it?

I know that it is possible to do that with two matrices, but I need this option for so many items, that my whole survey seems much longer if I ask for each item twice in two matrices.
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9 years 11 months ago #117571 by tpartner
To allow for a mandatory question, you would need to add an "N/A" column to the second scale.

Then set up your survey to use JavaScript and place the following script in the source of the question. The script will:
  • Hide the "N/A" column
  • Put a listener on the scale-1-option-3 radios, so when clicked, the hidden "N/A" radio is checked and all other scale-2 radios in that row are disabled

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">  
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Identify this question
    var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}');
    // Identify the "exclusive" column(s)
    // Multiple columns separated by commas
    var exclusiveCols = [3];
    // Assign classes to various elements
    $('.answers-list', thisQuestion).each(function(i){
      var column = 1;
      var scale = 1;
      $('td', this).each(function(i){
        if($(this).hasClass('radio-item')) {
          $(this).addClass('scale-'+scale+' column-'+column+'');
        else {
          column = 1;
          scale = 2;
      $('td:last', this).addClass('na-item');
    $(exclusiveCols).each(function(i) {
      $('td.scale-1.column-'+this, thisQuestion).addClass('exclusive-item');
    // Hide the "N/A" column
    $('td.na-item', thisQuestion).hide();
    $('.questions-list .dsheader:last', thisQuestion).attr('colspan', Number($('.questions-list thead tr.groups .dsheader:last', thisQuestion).attr('colspan'))-1);
    $('.questions-list thead tr:not(.groups) th:last', thisQuestion).hide();
    var colsWidth = $('col.odd:eq(0)', thisQuestion).attr('width').replace(/%/, '')*$('col.odd, col.even', thisQuestion).length;
    var newColWidth = colsWidth/($('col.odd, col.even', thisQuestion).length-1);
    $('col.odd, col.even', thisQuestion).attr('width', newColWidth+'%');
    // Listener on the radios
    $('td.scale-1 input.radio', thisQuestion).click(function(e) {
      var thisCell = $(this).closest('td');
      var thisRow = thisCell.closest('tr');
      if(thisCell.hasClass('exclusive-item')) {
        $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).trigger('click');
        $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', true);
      else {
        $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).prop('checked', false);
        $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', false);
    // Initial states
    $('td.exclusive-item input.radio:checked', thisQuestion).each(function(i) {
      var thisRow = $(this).closest('tr');
      $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).trigger('click');
      $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', true);

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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9 years 11 months ago #117867 by Ryuniri_44052
Thank you very much! Works perfectly.

I deleted that part, which is hiding the N/A column, because it's even better for me that the participants can see that their answer to the question in scale 2 is "no comment".

Thank you.
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  • Ryuniri_44052
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9 years 10 months ago #118867 by Ryuniri_44052

I tried to adopt this script for a dual matrix with drop-down menu. It's not working.

Is it possible to implement the same functionality into a dual matrix with a drop-down menu. Can you please tell me what I need to change?
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8 years 6 months ago #139083 by ferzago
Hi Tony, the solution works perfect on 2.06. I´ve upgraded to 2.50 and now doesn't works any more. I`m so frustated.
Any suggestion?
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8 years 6 months ago #139085 by tpartner
Can you attach a small sample survey export file (.lss)?

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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8 years 6 months ago #139086 by ferzago
Thanks Tony for the prompt response!
Small sample attached.
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8 years 6 months ago #139091 by tpartner
Try this for LimeSurvey version 2.5:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">  
  $(document).ready(function() {
    // Identify this question
    var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}');
    // Identify the "exclusive" column(s)
    // Multiple columns separated by commas
    var exclusiveCols = [2,3];
    // Assign classes to various elements
    $('.answers-list', thisQuestion).each(function(i){
      var column = 1;
      var scale = 1;
      $('td', this).each(function(i){
        if($(this).hasClass('radio-item')) {
          $(this).addClass('scale-'+scale+' column-'+column+'');
        else if($(this).hasClass('dual_scale_separator')) {
          column = 1;
          scale = 2;
      $('td:last', this).addClass('na-item');
    $(exclusiveCols).each(function(i) {
      $('td.scale-1.column-'+this, thisQuestion).addClass('exclusive-item');
    // Hide the "N/A" column
    $('td.na-item', thisQuestion).hide();
    $('.questions-list .dsheader:last', thisQuestion).attr('colspan', Number($('.questions-list thead tr.groups .dsheader:last', thisQuestion).attr('colspan'))-1);
    $('.questions-list thead tr:not(.groups) th:last', thisQuestion).hide();
    var responsesWidth = $.trim($.trim($('.col-responses col:eq(0)', thisQuestion).attr('style').split('width:')[1]).replace(/%;/, ''));
    var colsWidth = Number(responsesWidth)*$('.col-responses col', thisQuestion).length;
    var newResponsesWidth = colsWidth/($('.col-responses col', thisQuestion).length-1);
    $('.col-responses col', thisQuestion).css('width', newResponsesWidth+'%');
    // Listener on the radios
    $('td.scale-1 input.radio', thisQuestion).click(function(e) {
      var thisCell = $(this).closest('td');
      var thisRow = thisCell.closest('tr');
      if(thisCell.hasClass('exclusive-item')) {
        $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).trigger('click');
        $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', true);
      else {
        $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).prop('checked', false);
        $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', false);
    // Initial states
    $('td.exclusive-item input.radio:checked', thisQuestion).each(function(i) {
      var thisRow = $(this).closest('tr');
      $('.na-item input.radio', thisRow).trigger('click');
      $('td.scale-2:not(.na-item) input.radio', thisRow).prop('disabled', true);

Adjusted survey attached:

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...7(1).lss
File Size:25 KB

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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8 years 6 months ago #139094 by ferzago
It works perfect!
Thank you very much!!
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6 years 11 months ago #164794 by saifshaikh
Hi Tony,

will this work if we change the same question from radio to drop-down menu. Can you please tell me what I need to change?

Thanks & regards
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6 years 11 months ago - 6 years 11 months ago #164832 by tpartner
No, that code only works for radio inputs.

This will do the trick for array-dual-scale questions using drop-downs in version 3.4.x.

(I have added the facility to hide or show the "N/A" option in the second scale)

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
  $(document).on('ready pjax:scriptcomplete',function(){
    // Identify this question
    var thisQuestion = $('#question{QID}');
    // Identify the "exclusive" answer(s) in scale one
    // Multiple answers separated by commas are possible
    var exclusiveValues = ['A4','A5'];
    // Hide the "N/A" option in scale 2
    // Set this to false if you want that option always visible
    var hideNA = true;
    // Identify the "N/A" value in scale 2
    var naValue = $('select[id$="_1"]:eq(0) option:last', thisQuestion).attr('value');
    // A function to handle the drop-down behaviour
    function handleSelects(thisSelect) {
      var selectVal = $(thisSelect).val();
      var thisRow = $(thisSelect).closest('tr');
      var exclusive = false;
      $.each(exclusiveValues, function(i, val) {
        if(selectVal == val) {
          exclusive = true;
      if(exclusive == true) {
        if(hideNA == true) {
          $('select[id$="_1"] option[value="'+naValue+'"]', thisRow).toggleOption(true);
        $('select[id$="_1"]', thisRow).val(naValue).prop('disabled', true);
      else {
        $('select[id$="_1"]', thisRow).prop('disabled', false);
        if(hideNA == true) {
          $('select[id$="_1"] option[value="'+naValue+'"]', thisRow).toggleOption(false);
    // Listener on the drop-downs
    $('select[id$="_0"]', thisQuestion).on('change', function(e) {
    // Initial states
    $('select[id$="_0"]', thisQuestion).each(function(i) {
    // On submit
    $('#ls-button-submit').on('click', function(e) {
      $('select[id$="_1"]', thisQuestion).prop('disabled', false);
  $.fn.toggleOption = function(show) {
    if(show) {
      if( jQuery(this).parent('span.toggleOption').length)
    } else {
      if(jQuery(this).parent('span.toggleOption' ).length == 0)
        jQuery(this).wrap( '<span class="toggleOption" style="display: none;" />');

Sample survey attached:

File Attachment:

File Name: limesurvey...3-01.lss
File Size:23 KB

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
Last edit: 6 years 11 months ago by tpartner.
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6 years 11 months ago #164931 by saifshaikh
Thanks Tony for the help.

In scale 1, can we have Option 4 selected by default. i could not find any option for having default option selected for array.
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