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Repeat question based on previous multiple choice selections

9 years 7 months ago #114884 by CRGUK

I would like to repeat a question asking for feedback, based on a previous multiple choice question - which itself is filtered on the question before it.

For example:

QUESTION 1 [multiple choice]
Which of the following animals do you like?
- Cats
- Dogs
- Rabbits
- Horses
- Birds
- Hamsters

QUESTION 2 [multiple choice]
Which of those animals have you ever owned as a pet?
- Options defined by array filter of those selected in Q1

QUESTION 3 [array]
What was important to you about this animal?
ImportantNot important

Question 3 would then be repeated for each of the animals selected in Q2 as having been owned as pets.

Setting up question 2 is simple enough, but I have no idea how to set up question 3? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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9 years 7 months ago #114885 by holch
You will need to set-up as many question 3 questions as there are options in question 1. Then you need to show and hide the questions via conditions or expressions depending on whether the option has been chosen in question 2 or not.

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9 years 7 months ago #114908 by CRGUK

holch wrote: You will need to set-up as many question 3 questions as there are options in question 1. Then you need to show and hide the questions via conditions or expressions depending on whether the option has been chosen in question 2 or not.

Thanks, holch. I feared that might be the case.

The next question, therefore, is how do I check the answers selected in Q2 and create that condition? As the Q2 options are dynamically created from Q1 with array filter, the conditions builder for Q3 only offers me the standard 'SQ001' to choose from - I'm not sure what names etc the actual options would have?
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9 years 7 months ago #114923 by holch
You will have to compare the question code with that in the first question, then you know which one was chosen.

Note them down. SQ001 will be the same in Q1 as in Q2.

I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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