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Can I move an incomplete survey to a saved one?

9 years 7 months ago #112765 by Qsgt

I am using LS Version 2.05+ Build 140730 and have a survey that a respondent has left incomplete but has not saved for continuation later. I have their email address and so would like to send them an email saying that I have noticed that they have left in incomplete and they can click here to continue where they left off. This would require moving the response from the uncompleted state to a saved state and then then generating a link like the one the respondent would receive had they saved the response in the first place. Is this possible?

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9 years 7 months ago #112774 by holch
Usually, when using tokens you can use the same link and start at the point where you left out. Maybe this works only when it is marked "token answer persistance", but from my experience, people could restart their surveys from where they left (without having saved it), as long as tokens were used.

Give it a try and click on the link and see what happens.

Not sure if you can move a unfinishd survey to saved though.

I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
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