HI, Im sorry can you help me, i want to put de other´s textbox in a X Axis, like the image
this is the script
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(document).ready(function() {
// Identify the questions
var thisQuestion = $('#question'+{QID}+'');
var nextQuestion1 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(0)');
var nextQuestion2 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(1)');
var nextQuestion3 = $(thisQuestion).nextAll('.text-short:eq(2)');
var nextQuestions = $(nextQuestion1).add(nextQuestion2).add(nextQuestion3);
var nextLength = nextQuestions.length;
var sqLength = ('tr.answers-list', thisQuestion).length;
// Hide the short-text question
// Move the hidden text inputs into the array
for (i = 0; i < nextLength; i++) {
var workingIndex = (sqLength - 1) - (nextLength - i);
var nextQ = nextQuestions;
$('th.answertext:eq('+workingIndex+')', thisQuestion).append($('input[type="text"]', nextQ)).closest('tr').addClass('otherRow');
// Some styling...
$('input[type="text"]', thisQuestion).css({
'width': '50%'
// Handle the "Other" radios
$('input[type="text"]', thisQuestion).on('keyup change',function(event){
var thisRow = $(this).closest('tr.answers-list');
if($.trim($(this).val()) == '') {
$('input:radio[value!=""]', thisRow).prop('checked',false);
$('input:radio[value=""]', thisRow).click();
else {
$('input:radio[value=""]', thisRow).prop('checked',false);
// Handle the "Other" text input
$('.otherRow input.radio', thisQuestion).on('click',function(event){
var thisRow = $(this).closest('tr.answers-list');
if($(this).attr('value') == '') {
$('input[type="text"]', thisRow).val('');
// Validate the "Other" text input(s) on submit
if($('#movenextbtn, #movesubmitbtn').attr('data-inserted-other') != 'true') { // We're only doing this once on this page
$('#movenextbtn, #movesubmitbtn').attr('data-inserted-other', 'true').on('click.insertedOther', function (event) {
var otherError = 0;
$('.array-flexible-row .otherRow').each(function(i) {
if(($('input:radio[value!=""]:checked', this).length > 0 && $('input[type="text"]', this).val() == '') || ($('input:radio[value!=""]:checked', this).length == 0 && $('input[type="text"]', this).val() != '')) {
otherError = 1;
if(otherError == 1) {
alert('Please review your answer in the "Other" row(s).');
return false;
The topic has been locked.