Hello, I am new to Limesurvey - thanks for the fantastic software and good documentation. It is refreshing to use open-source which is so established and well maintained. I will definitely make a donation or contribute otherwise
One thing I am a bit stuck on and would appreciate help with:
I need to write an expression which checks whether more than one multiple choice has been chosen.
Is there a way of assigning the value 1 to subquestions so I could use something like: count(that.Qcode.value) > 1 ??
Not sure what kind of question you are using and what you want to do in the long run...
I assume it's the "Array Numbers (Checkbox Layout)" version with 5 columns and only one row.
You could try to fill this in a question afterwards:
{if(sum(Test_A_1, Test_A_2, Test_A_3, Test_A_4, Test_A_5) > 1, "More than one alternative was selected", "One or no alternative was selected")}
If you just want to validate the number of checked alternatives, then you can simply use the same idea (without the if-clause) in the validate answer field of the respective question.
You cannot assign assessment values to
Multiple Choice
subquestions. However given a
Multiple Choice
with question code "Q1" and sub-question codes "A1", "A2", "A3", "A3", you can use an equation like this:
{if(sum(Q1_A1 =="Y", Q1_A2 =="Y", Q1_A3 =="Y", Q1_A4 =="Y")>1,'More than one checked','')}
Tony Partner Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.