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DELIMITER // DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS spLime_SurveyXcode // CREATE PROCEDURE spLime_SurveyXcode(survey_code INT) BEGIN /* return the set of question codes in SGQ format transcoded with group codes and question codes */ select c.column_name , RIGHT(g.group_name, 5) codice_reato , q.Title codice_domanda from information_schema.columns c left join lime_groups g ON LOCATE(CONCAT('X', g.gid, 'X') , c.column_name) = 7 left join lime_questions q ON g.gid = q.gid and LOCATE(CONCAT('X', q.qid, 'E'), CONCAT(c.column_name, 'E')) > 8 where c.table_name = CONCAT('lime_survey_', CAST(survey_code AS CHAR(8))) #869765' and left(c.column_name, 7) = CONCAT(CAST(survey_code AS CHAR(8)), 'X'); #'869765X'; END// CALL `dbLime`.`spLime_SurveyXcode`(869765);
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED); $config['base_url'] = 'https://localhost/limesurvey/'; $config['db_host'] = 'localhost'; // Database host (e.g. localhost) $config['db_name'] = 'dbLime'; // Database name $config['db_username'] = 'root'; // Database username $config['db_password'] = ''; // Database password $config['survey_code'] = '869765'; function logMe($msg) { // appends logs to a "message.log" file in the Lime's TMP directory if ($f=fopen('tmp/message.log', 'a')) { fputs($f, date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." $msg\n"); fclose($f); } } // Open connection $mysqli = new mysqli( $config['db_host'] ,$config['db_username'] ,$config['db_password'] ,$config['db_name'] ); // Check connection if ($mysqli->connect_errno) { logMe("Failed to connect to MySQL: (" . $mysqli->connect_errno . ") " . $mysqli->connect_error); die($mysqli->connect_error); } // execute xcodeproc $resx = $mysqli->query(sprintf('call spLime_SurveyXcode(%d)', $config['survey_code']), MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT); if(!$resx) { logMe("CALL failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error); die($mysqli->error); } // we build the union that traverse every SGQ-code column of the survey // and pair the results with the actual codes of the group and of the question while($obj = $resx->fetch_object()) { list($S, $G, $Q) = split('X', $obj->column_name); $the_unions[] = sprintf("SELECT '%s' codice_reato \n , '%s' codice_domanda \n , %s codice_risposta \n , a.assessment_value \n FROM lime_survey_%s AS s \n LEFT JOIN lime_answers AS a \n ON a.code = s.%s \n AND a.qid = '%s' \n" , $obj->codice_reato , $obj->codice_domanda , $obj->column_name , $config['survey_code'] , $obj->column_name , $Q); } $resx->close(); $mysqli->next_result(); $the_union = implode( "\nUNION ALL\n", $the_unions); $the_union .= "\nORDER BY codice_reato, codice_domanda, codice_risposta, assessment_value;"; $res = $mysqli->query($the_union ); if($res) { while($row = $res->fetch_object()) { $results[] = $row; } // Free result set $res->close(); $mysqli->next_result(); //FINAL OUTPUT // array_values() removes the original keys and replaces // with plain consecutive numbers print json_encode(array_values($results)); } else { logMe("UNION failed (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error); } // Close connection logMe("Close connection."); $mysqli->close(); ?>