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Multiple Organisations - Same Survey - What is the best approach to do this.

10 years 10 months ago #103852 by zark
I would like to create a customer feedback survey.

I expect to create one survey in LS, with a field that enables me to identify an organisation.

From my own php app, I intend to use remote control to prepare the survey for a new customer, prefilling the customer field with the customers unique ID (business) and preparing the provided list of respondents (employees) with tokenised unique response urls, which LS can send out.

Once the survey is completed, I would use my php app to query LS and return the results for processing - but for the selected company only.

Multiple businesses might be completing their own responses, which would be in the same survey, at the same time - but identified by their unique business id.

I can see from the manual that I can export responses by token, but this appears to be on an individual record basis - requiring looping through all the known respondents and extracting the data one at a time. Or, there is export_respones - but this does not allow filtering for a specific field - I.e. the unique business id.

It does have a FromResponse and ToResponse parameter, but the responses would not necessarily be consecutive.

I intended to use one survey for all data, rather than continually create many duplicate surveys (one for each business). So is there a way to extract a filtered subset of data or should it be create a new survey for each business?

Many thanks.
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