Here in Brazil the SEC (socio-economic class) of a respondent is calculated based on the number of certain goods that they have in their house hold and the level of education of the head of household (I don't think that it works very well, but I don't want to start a discussion about this....
Now I would like to be able to calculate the SEC already during the survey, because then I could set quota based on the SEC as well.
So what we do is to ask the number of color TVs, radios, bathrooms, cars, maids, washing machines, video recorders/DVD players, fridge and freezer. The scale is 0,1,2,3,4+. However, unfortunately some items get more points than others. So while for one TV set in your household you get 1 point, for the first bath room you'll get 4 points (for the following only one...).
Here an example of the table:
So the first thing I would need is to calculate a total count based on the points in this table. I am not sure if Expression Manager can do this (I didn't find an example) and I think assessments only allow to give the same assessment value per column.
The next step would be to add the points from the education level (this is simpler because it is a single choice question to this total. Based on this total count the SEC is determined.
Any hint on how to start this?