"Why bother?"
OK, this is one point to see it. But I would like to remind you that if everyone would think the same way, Limesurvey would not exist. This is an open source project and it doesn't cost you a dime.
The developers do their work on Limesurvey in their spare time and I find it amazing what they have created so far. Limesurvey (in my opinion) is far superior to many other survey packages that you pay for, in many ways. Does it have some flaws? For sure! But the developers are working on those things. However, I find it quite counter productive to say, ohh, this could be soo much easier and things like "why bother". Good, constructive criticism is welcome, I am sure. But I can't see that here.
There are only limited resources available, despite a huge user base. Unfortunately many use Limesurvey but do not contribute back (either with a donation of money or their time). However, projects like Limesurvey can only survive on the long run, if the community gives something back.
So your options would be: get in touch with the developers and offer your help in developing the feature that you are missing. Or if you don't have the programming skills, sponsor the feature with a donation.
I answer at the LimeSurvey forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.
No support via private message.
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