Thanks so much for your informative messages guys. This has helped me a lot not only to understand the LimeSurvey but also to check the possibilities to see if I can achieve my goal using LimeSurvey.
Yes, now it's time for me to dive into Documentation and I've already started to read the documentation. This system is new to me and I'm loving the way it's setup and the way database is normalized. Big thumbs up to the developers.
As far as design is concerned, I noticed it's not that difficult to setup a new design for LimeSurvey; surely will take far less time than writing PHP code to setup a system like LimeSurvey.
Sorry, but I never intended to compare LimeSurvey with SurveyMonkey; SurveyMonkey was just an example to let the fellow Forum Members know what I'm trying to setup. Each of these programs may have its own Pros and Cons; but importantly LimeSurvey seems to be the right path to follow for me.
Again, thanks so much for your informative replies and I'm still new to this system; so I may need your continued support to understand a few aspects of this program. Truly a pleasure to have you all around.