I have a mulitple-choice question (gq1) with two possible answers (coded A1 and A2). I want to show question group S if A1 is selected, and group P if A2 is selected.
I used the relevance equations gq1.code == 'A1' (for S) and gq1.code == 'A2' (for P). Neither S nor P are shown. What am I doing wrong? Are there any examples for this kind of stuff in the documentation?
Thanks. Are there any helpful docs were this can be learned? I read the Expression Manager guide and I didn't find it.
I think there's a problem with my installation, because I generated a new survey with two normal groups (no relevance eq) and only the 1st group is shown, then the survey ends. If I make questions in the 2nd group mandatory, I get errors when submitting the 1st question (saying mandatory qs have not been answered). Perhaps because I'm using Postgres? I'