I am having an issue with array type question.
I have created a simple survey using Lime Survey 2.00+ Build 131122 with only 4 simple questions. 3 of the questions are rating about a hotel in different area, which the guest need to choose from this answer list: 'Wonderful, Good, So so... and also Awful'.
Example Question Type: Array
Question:- How you rate your stay at our hotel?
Answer:- Wonderful, Good, So so..., Awful
After I setting up all these, I had clicked on 'Check Survey Logic for this question' button, it came out with a table (refer attachment). Under Relevance section, the [Value] all showed as 0, how can I solve it?
I don't think I need access. Just activate the survey and test it to make sure that your data is being recorded as expected. I suspect this is simply a problem with the display of the Survey Logic File and does not affect the data.
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