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Can you center-align sliders?

11 years 2 months ago #101974 by Tune
Can you center-align sliders? was created by Tune

I'd like to use some slider questions in a survey. Is it possible to have the slider center-aligned instead of left-aligned? If it is, how do you do it? =)

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11 years 2 months ago #101985 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Can you center-align sliders?
What template are you using?

Can you give us a screenshot/mockup of what you need?

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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11 years 2 months ago #101987 by Tune
Replied by Tune on topic Can you center-align sliders?
Sorry I forgot to mention that I'm using Limesurvey hosted by www.limeservice.com and the version is 2.00+

I'm currently using the default template. What I want to do is edit the template so that the slider in a multiple-numeric-question is centered instead of left-aligned. I'm attaching a illustrative picture of how I want my question to look like.

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11 years 2 months ago #101991 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Can you center-align sliders?
Create a copy of that template and add something like this to the end of template.css:
.numeric-multi .answer ul {
  width: 100%;
.numeric-multi label.slider-label {
  width: 20% !important;
.numeric-multi div.multinum-slider {
  width: 80%;
div.ui-slider {
  margin: 0 auto 20px auto;

That should give you this:

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Tune
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11 years 2 months ago #102023 by Tune
Replied by Tune on topic Can you center-align sliders?

tpartner wrote: Create a copy of that template and add something like this to the end of template.css:

.numeric-multi .answer ul {
  width: 100%;
.numeric-multi label.slider-label {
  width: 20% !important;
.numeric-multi div.multinum-slider {
  width: 80%;
div.ui-slider {
  margin: 0 auto 20px auto;

That should give you this:

Thanks for the reply! But the slider is not completely centered. I've attached an image of how it looks. Is it possible to make it completely centered? It is important in my survey that there will be no bias toward the left or right image.

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11 years 2 months ago #102024 by Tune
Replied by Tune on topic Can you center-align sliders?
The image didn't seem to get attached, so I'll do it again.
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11 years 2 months ago #102027 by Tune
Replied by Tune on topic Can you center-align sliders?
Hmmm, last try
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11 years 2 months ago #102028 by tpartner
Replied by tpartner on topic Can you center-align sliders?
Adjust the widths of the .slider-label and .multinum-slider elements (they should be <= 100).

Tony Partner

Solutions, code and workarounds presented in these forums are given without any warranty, implied or otherwise.
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11 years 2 months ago #102029 by Tune
Replied by Tune on topic Can you center-align sliders?

tpartner wrote: Adjust the widths of the .slider-label and .multinum-slider elements (they should be <= 100).

I've tried many different combinations of the widths but it seems to have no effect at all. Do I need to add something else?
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