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tpartner wrote: After a little thought, I think the Evaluative Space Grid can be better accomplished by using a multiple-numeric question. A table can be shown in the question. When a respondent clicks a grid cell in the table,<a href=' '>JavaScript loads the coordinates of the cell into the question inputs.
1) Create a Multiple Numeric question with two sub-questions labelled "X" and "Y".
2) Add the following HTML to the source of the question to create the table:Code:<table class="spaceGrid"> <tr> <td rowspan="5" class="yAxisLabel">How NEGATIVE<br> do you feel about<br> the stimulus?</td> <td class="yLabel">Extremely</td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="yLabel">Quite a bit</td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="yLabel">Moderately</td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="yLabel">Slightly</td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="yLabel">Not at all</td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> <td class="gridCell"></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="blankCell"></td> <td class="blankCell"></td> <td class="xLabel">Not at all</td> <td class="xLabel"><span class="yLabel">Slightly</span></td> <td class="xLabel"><span class="yLabel">Moderately</span></td> <td class="xLabel"><span class="yLabel">Quite a bit</span></td> <td class="xLabel"><span class="yLabel">Extremely</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="blankCell"></td> <td class="blankCell"></td> <td colspan="5" class="xAxisLabel">How POSITIVE do you feel about the stimulus?</td> </tr> </table>
3) Add the following styles to the end of your template.css file:Code:.spaceGrid { border: 0 none; border-collapse: collapse; } .spaceGrid td { padding: 0 3px; text-align: center !important; border: 0 none; } td.xAxisLabel { padding-top: 10px; } td.yAxisLabel { padding-right: 10px; width: 125px; } td.xLabel { height: 20px; font-weight: normal; } td.yLabel { text-align: right !important; font-weight: normal; } td.gridCell { width: 70px; height: 70px; border: 1px solid #666666; background-color: #FFFFFF; cursor: pointer; } td.checkedCell { background-color: #66FF00; }
4) Add the following to the end of your template.js file:Code:$(document).ready(function() { // Listener on the grid cells $('.gridCell').click(function(){ // Define some vars var parentQ = $(this).parents('div[id^="question"]:eq(0)'); var parentTable = $(this).parents('table.spaceGrid:eq(0)'); var parentRow = $(this).parent(); var numGridCell = $('.gridCell').length; var numCols = $('.gridCell', parentRow).length; var numRows = numGridCell/numCols; // Add class to checked cell $('.checkedCell', parentQ).removeClass('checkedCell'); $(this).addClass('checkedCell'); // Find the cell coordinates var reverseRowIndex = (numRows - $('tr', parentTable).index($(parentRow))); var colIndex = $('.gridCell', parentRow).index($(this)) + 1; // Load coordinates into inputs $('input.text:eq(0)', parentQ).val(colIndex); $('input.text:eq(1)', parentQ).val(reverseRowIndex); }); });
The script should automatically handle different grid sizes.
$(document).ready(function() { // Listener on the grid cells $('.gridCell').click(function(){ // Define some vars var parentQ = $(this).parents('div[id^="question"]:eq(0)'); var parentTable = $(this).parents('table.spaceGrid:eq(0)'); var parentRow = $(this).parent(); var numGridCell = $('.gridCell').length; var numCols = $('.gridCell', parentRow).length; var numRows = numGridCell/numCols; // Add class to checked cell $('.checkedCell', parentQ).removeClass('checkedCell'); $(this).addClass('checkedCell'); // Find the cell coordinates var reverseRowIndex = (numRows - $('tr', parentTable).index($(parentRow))); var colIndex = $('.gridCell', parentRow).index($(this)) + 1; // Load coordinates into inputs $('input.text:eq(0)', parentQ).val(colIndex); $('input.text:eq(1)', parentQ).val(reverseRowIndex); }); });