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I don't know what to call this... Reoccuring individual questionnaire?

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3 weeks 6 days ago #269562 by Latuska
Dear community,

First of all moderators please feel free to delete this post/guide me to relevant post if this issue has been addressed somewhere before. Due to my novicy and the difficulty in formulating the issue, I couldn't find any relevant topics from the forums, which doesn't mean that they might be one somewhere.

The motive

We are about to create a survey for doctors. Doctors should evaluate the time that one patients takes, how complicated the case is and describe the case shortly. This should be done with 20 different patient cases within one month. We expect 20-30 participating doctors.

The issue

This far I have created the survey (three questions) and put setting so that LimeSurvey forms an individual ID for each doctor. This way we can share only one link to the doctors. But how can I can I the following issue:

1) The doctor should receive information how many cases he/she (an individual doctor) has already reported. Like "Thank you for your response. You (name) have submitted responses from 3/20 of cases".

The work around to this is that me and my colleagues follow how many answers come to the questionnaire from individual doctors, but this is burdensome and also the risk for mistakes increases. Other solution would be just to send a Excel/Word to the doctors but I personally regard that to be "ugly".

Nevertheless, thank you in advance for your time and effort. Every possible solution is a welcomed with joy!

LimeSurvey Community Edition Versio 6.10.1+250120

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3 weeks 6 days ago #269567 by holch
So we are talking about "patient records". In my experience, doctors "hate" research that includes patient records and 20 patient records is a lot. But that is another topic. :-)

I assume that you have the doctor's email as you seem to use a token based survey.

So you could use that email and one of the admin notifications to send them an email after they completed a patient record.

So far, so good. Now we need to find a solution on how to count the patient records one doctor did.

I am thinking aloud here and throw a few thoughts out:

You could use the statistics module and count the numbers of responses in the database. Not sure if the statistics module can do this over the token, but if not, you could always save the token into a hidden question and do statistics based on that I guess.

My other idea is to create a custom attribute in the token table where you store the count. You probably would need to install a plugin (I think it is called something like "updateTokentable" or something).

There you could start off with zero and add 1 each time a doctor responds.

It would be perfect if one could access the "uses left" for the token, but I don't think this is possible.

One issue that I see with such an automated approach: We all know how doctors are. Many of them are "technically challenged" and they often fill in forms wrong (not sure if on purpose or if they just don't pay attention or if they are just not capable of doing so). But the automatic approach suggests that everything is allright. So I would still check from time to time if they patient records are filled in correctly.

Let's see if Joffm has a good solution for this.

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Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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3 weeks 6 hours ago #269647 by Latuska
Thank you holch for your reply and insight into this issue.

After dwelling into your reply I decided that for the sake of our time and for the convinience for the doctors, I will provide them a individual link to Word/Excel document to which they can collect the data that they are assigned to do.

To be frank, I don't have the technical confidance as a LimeSurvey user to take the approach that you suggested/it would not be time efficient - all though good practice. Basically I didn't understand the statistics module + token part of your answer, which obviously is not your fault.

Nevertheless thank you for your time and have a good spring!

By the way, why do I failt he bloody spam check continuously, even though I check the math with calculator?!

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2 weeks 6 days ago #269668 by holch

By the way, why do I failt he bloody spam check continuously, even though I check the math with calculator?!

No idea. Bad at math? :-)

Just joking.

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  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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