I need to know, I have two question. First question is a multiple choice question type, the second question is a single choice question type. In the second question have a array filter related to first question. I mean to say only selected options of first question are display in the second question option. In my first question have a other option. When I apply array filter then all working fine but when other option not selected in the first question then in the second question option have display a empty option. How to fixed this issue.
You have not respected the condition "identical codes in both questions".
"11 is not the subquestion code of the "other" Option.
Though you used it already in the answer option text "{Q1_other}".
This shows that "other" is the subquestion code,.
And this you have to enter in Q2
And, sorry, but don't expect further help from my side if you continue not to answer these questions
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