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Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading

1 week 2 days ago - 1 week 2 days ago #269040 by GaryO
Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading was created by GaryO

We have an OKR champion who has contacted us regarding LimeSurvey's capabilities. It's related to a survey he's creating for the OKR grading and review process. He has been using Confluence for this until now,

He has now set up a survey in LimeSurvey and wants it to recur each quarter where OKR set owners can grade their OKR sets and fill out the review questionnaire.
This would then automatically show overall statistics for grading using Limesurvey's built-in features instead of him doing it manually in Excel (at least in theory).

Current situation - Confluence
  • Grading results are added to each OKR set by the OKR set owners but only 51% of OKR set owners fill it out fully.
  • Only 12/41 29% of OKR set owners filled out the grading review template for Q4/24
  • He has to manually check these statistics each quarter and update an excel sheet.
Goals of the survey - LimeSurvey
  • One place for OKR set owners to update grading results and add OKR reviews each quarter to simplify the process and improve adherence.
  • Automatic statistics created by LimeSurvey show participation, grading result averages by department/all and lessons learned from the OKR cycle, transparently available to everyone.

How could we best achieve this in your opinion?


Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
LimeSurvey version: Version 6.10.0+250106 
Own server or LimeSurvey Cloud: Own Server
Survey theme/template: OKR Survey
Last edit: 1 week 2 days ago by GaryO. Reason: Spacing for Clarity

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1 week 2 days ago #269046 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading
Without knowing what OKR is, things are getting a little difficult to respond.

But for now it will assume it is just another survey and ignore whatever OKR is.

Goals of the survey - LimeSurvey
One place for OKR set owners to update grading results and add OKR reviews each quarter to simplify the process and improve adherence.
Automatic statistics created by LimeSurvey show participation, grading result averages by department/all and lessons learned from the OKR cycle, transparently available to everyone.

I think "response rate" often has little to do with the tool itself, rather with the way this has been setup. I don't know Confluence, so I can't compare or say where their strength and weeknesses is.

I think to get response rate up, creating a good process and flow, as well as awareness of the importance within the organisation is far more important than to use tool X or tool Y.

Of course, some tools can support you in creating a better experience.

I am not quite sure, what the actual question is, because I don't really understand the setup and the requirements your "OKR champion" has (those titles are getting more ridiculous every day... :-) ).

Limesurvey's inbuilt reporting is rather basic, in my opinion. However, I don't know the benchmark "Confluence", so difficult to judge. Maybe it is already enough for your needs (which we don't know).

For deeper analysis you still need to use a tool specialized on data analysis (SPSS/PSPP, STATA, JASP, Excel, Google Sheets, whatever).

To be honest, reading the description, I think the situation will not change with a different tool, I think the internal processes will need to be revised.

But if you can give us an example of how such a OKR evaluation looks like and how the analysis should look like, we might be able to give you some more feedback on how this could be done in LImesurvey.

Through the API and some Addons and or direct access to the database you probably can built a pretty good tool for that.

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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1 week 1 day ago #269072 by GaryO
Replied by GaryO on topic Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading
Hi Holch,

OKR is an abbreviation for "Objectives & Key results" for our organization. And I agree; the titles are getting a bit out there!

I wasn't clear enough in my last message, apologies. There are three things he has to do at the end of every quarter:
  1. Grading: Each leader fills out a box of how the team did in achieving each OKR(goal) for the quarter. Example: 0.3 = little progress, 0.5 = half way, 1.0 = goal complete
  2. Review: How did everyone find the OKRs, how can we do it better?
  3. Consolidate results: The OKR champion gathers all the answers from each team, and puts it into bar and lines charts for an overall view of company progress

How it's done now:
Now, each leader types the number into a box in Confluence. the OKR champ then copies each number and pastes it into a chart table on another page created for showing results only.

He then sends out a survey via Lime to evaluate how OKR went for everyone, and how they can improve

How he hopes to have it

If there was a way to have a survey that includes the "grading" question, and the review in one survey. This could be copied every quarter, and completed by each leader.
Then, instead of him having to copy and paste etc, all the data would be accessible form LimeSurvey statistics.

Examples of stats type used attached below

Hope that's more clear. Let me now if you need anymore info. I think the main thing here is the possibility to display bar and line charts from questions. And duplicate a survey each quarter



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1 week 1 day ago #269095 by holch
Replied by holch on topic Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading
I mean, having the grading in Limesurvey is easy. I guess he already has that done.

The issue is with the reporting. As mentioned before, in my opinion, the statistics feature of Limesurvey is very rudimentary and I wouldn't want to use it for a proper analysis. It can give you a quick idea during the field or a very basic overview, but from what I see is that you will want a comparison over time for example and I don't think that you can get that from Limesurvey out of the box.

Maybe you could create all quarters beforehand and then for each round of the survey hide the quarters that have been completed already or are not yet relevant.

Then you might get a historical comparison in the Limesurvey statistics.

But I think you will need to play around with this in Limesurvey. You seem to have a basic questionnaire already. Fill it with some answers and see how it looks in the Limesurvey statistics. I usually only use it sporadically (for above mentioned reasons).

But I think, with a little bit of effort you can create a nice dashboard outside of Limesurvey, that eather get's data from the LS API, or directly from the database.

What you could do for example is creating one survey and you use it for ALL future surveys, no copying.

You can create custom attributes in the participant table where you include which quarter the evaluation is for. Then you have it all in one response table and when you export it, you have the data of the different quarters all in one Excel sheet already.

I am sure with a little bit of effort you can get a great solution for this, but I thnk it won't be really like you want it to without at least a bit of custom work.

But at the end, there will be quite some time saved each quarter and the risk of error is also smaller, with everthing automated.

Help us to help you!
  • Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
  • Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.

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1 week 1 day ago #269098 by GaryO
Replied by GaryO on topic Using LimeSurvey for OKR Grading
Thanks for the details here Holch much appreciated.

There's nothing left to say now other than test. We have put some time aside on Tuesday to test how it would look from the options you've given.

Once we have some visuals or feedback, I'll post them here after we've gathered everything.

The one survey with custom attributes sounds good to me and sounds like what he would want also. Just need to confirm that with him.

Thanks again,

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