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LimeSurvey version: LimeSurvey Community Edition Version 6.10.0+250106
Own server or LimeSurvey Cloud: own (organization)
Survey theme/template: Fruity TwentyThree ( extends_fruity_twentythree )
I’m looking for suggestions to hide all the default validation tips.
Joffm suggested using CSS to hide the default validation text in this thread (
Question Validation Warning Messages Text Location
). However, I’m unsure about the exact code to use. I also tried using the "hide tip" option under the display settings, but the issue persisted.
I want to replace all default validation text with: “Please enter a number for each area. The number must add up to a total of 12.”
I attempted to follow the steps suggested by DennisChenu in this thread (
Modifying Validation/Error Text Alerts/Helper Text
), but I was unsuccessful. Here are the steps I followed:
1. Hide the default validation text in custom.css:
.question-container.numeric .ls-em-tip.em_default { display: none; }
2. Set the validation condition to:
sum(self.NAOK) == 12
3. Add the custom validation message in the "Question Valid Tip" container:
“Please enter a number for each area. The number must add up to a total of 12.”
I’m also attaching a sample for reference. I would greatly appreciate your help in resolving this issue.