Whenever you deactivate a survey, responses collected so far get archived. Therefore I would always create a backup (export the responses to excel or CSV), just in case.
In theory you can reimport these archived responses when you activate the survey again. However, seems like the reordering of the questions and adding a question made it impossible for Limesurvey to remap the old structure to the new structure. Which is why you should always avoid changes after the field start. Testing and checking is essential before the field start.
If you would have an export of the responses you had collected up to the point of deactivating the survey, I would just continue the survey with the new sample and then match/map the different response tables in excel or something.
If you don't have an backup of these responses, things might get a little more complicated. I have needed to do this, so I am not sure if it is possible to export an old response table, but I don't think the GUI offers this option, so you might have to go into the database itself and export it there. For sure a lot more work than exporting a CSV or XLS file before deactivating, just in case.
Offtopic: You say you are running Limesurvey LS 5.0.3. This release (5.0.3+210609) was released on 09.06.2021, so it is now over 3 years old and hasn't received any updates, bug fixes or security patches since. You should really consider an update.
Also, LS5 is EOL since June or July, so it is not supported anymore.
Help us to help you!
- Provide your LS version and where it is installed (own server, uni/employer, SaaS hosting, etc.).
- Always provide a LSS file (not LSQ or LSG).
Note: I answer at this forum in my spare time, I'm not a LimeSurvey GmbH employee.