(Write here your question/remark)Please help us help you and fill where relevant:
Your LimeSurvey version: 3.17.3+190429
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting : Limeserver hosting
Survey theme/template: Vanilla / Minimal template
Hi everyone,
I use LimeSurvey for the first time, and i want to assign a random and unique number for each user.
I would also like this number to be displayed at the end of the questionnaire.
I had thought of 2 options:
- Either generate this number via a correspondence table on a first questionnaire, and send the participant to the second questionnaire
- Either display the participant's identification number at the end of the questionnaire (but I can't find how to display a value at the end of the questionnaire).
For the 2nd solution, I found this topic :
But it doesn't help me much, because I don't know how to display a value at the end of the questionnaire.
Could you help me?
Thanks in advance