I assume
"SQ003" and "SQ007" refer to two y-axis subquestions
"SQ013" is the code of your third column, the third x-axis subquestion.
Now, as you read here in the manual
The QCode consists of "
QuestionCode . '_' . SubQuestionID . '_' . ScaleId
So in your equation the question code is missing.
If you are not sure about it, activate your survey and have a look at the responses table.
Afterwards you deactivate it.
Should be something like this:
Now the improvements:
You should use the "sum" function to consider this
For consistency between JavaScript and PHP, the plus operator (+) does addition if both operands are numeric, but does concatenation if both parts are non-numeric strings. However, we recommend using the "join()" function for concatenation, as that makes your intent more clear. It also avoids unexpected results if you were expecting strings but got numbers instead (or vice versa).
In some (rare) cases
So better
I personally prefer to code the x-axis and y-axis differently to avoid confusion
If you code the y-axis "Y001", "Y002", ... and the x-axis "X001" "X002",...
you can use the "self" and "that variables.
To sum up all values of column 3 in an equation
If I misunderstood please send the lss export of the survey (these relevant questions)