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Your LimeSurvey version: Version 5.6.55+240220
Own server or LimeSurvey hosting: shared hosting
Survey theme/template: fruity
This is a generic question to Limesurvey, not pdfReport plugin.
I am working with the demo survey provided by the pdfReport (link:
) and I am running into an expression script parsing error that I cannot explain. Details:
1) The first question in the sample survey has an email form and an expression script that doesn't generate any errors in Lime survey until I either make any change and hit save or just hit save after the question is opened.
2) Here is how to replicate the issue:
a) Create a new blank survey.
b) Import the sample question:
c) When you import it, as long as you don't hit save everything looks fine and Lime survey visually confirms that the expression script in the question is okay. Screenshot:
d) Then open up the question and just hit save. Now Limesurvey believes it cannot parse the expression script. Screenshot:
3) I don't understand two things:
a) Why does this error happen? Everything looks fine when I import the question and the survey (regex) even works great on the email field when testing the survey, but as soon as I edit the question and hit save that parsing error shows up.
b) What is the proper way to fix this issue? In the past I created a very long expression that concatenated all of the problem characters into one long expression but that doesn't seem quite right given the above behaviour. Any suggestions?